Wednesday, June 29, 2011

homemade strawberry cheesecake ice cream

1 can sweatened condensed milk

3 oz cream cheese or marscapone (room temp)

1 cup chopped strawberries

1 cup heavy whipping cream

1 tsp honey

1 tsp real vanilla (I make my own- 3/4 cup vodka, 2 vanilla beans split, put into seal containter, shake everyday & ready to use on the 3rd day)

Using beaters mix until smooth all except berries- pour into ice cream maker add berries slowly


makes 1 Quart


  1.! eek. if rum, would it be different? teresa

  2. Vodka has no flavor of it's own so takes the vanilla bean easily, you can use rum but the vanilla flavor is different. Most real vanilla is alcohol usually vodka
